Articles on: Placements

How many applications will Upraised send on my behalf?

How does Applications from CAP work?

We will send as many applications necessary to enable shortlists and interviews till the completion of the 16 week period OR till you land 5 shortlists.
We will constantly be improving on the application plan based on the feedback we will receive from companies
Being a product role, you will have to be patient with the number of applications we will send out. It would take multiple applications to start getting shortlists, and once you do get them, you should maximize your chances of converting them & we will help you all along the way.

Placement Statistics from CAP

Career Accelerator Program guarantees 5 interviews at high growth companies. With our rigorous curriculum & 10+ mock interviews, we've been able to achieve a phenomenal placement rate of 80%.

And if your concern is - are these placements at non-desirable places? No they are not! Our average salary package is 19.6 LPA. Our average salary hike is 51.2%.

Success stories of CAP Alumni

You can read more about the journey of our CAP alumni & where they got jobs here:

Updated on: 02/06/2023

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